I haven't posted anything, haven't taken many pictures, haven't done a whole lot of anything creative. I guess sometimes we have to take it easy whether we want to or not, right? Add to the fact we are working on a new stone landscaping 'thing' (for lack of a better word) and it's not going well, which is rather depressing. I'll post about that tomorrow. It's supposed to start raining again by this afternoon and not quit until Friday, so I'll have ample time to post, I guess.
The power company has been here the last few days, trying to install a new line between Mom's house and ours.
As I write this, there are three men stalking around in my front yard, trying to figure out how to bury a cable without destroying the flowerbeds. Do you see that big machine in the distance in the picture above? Well, it needs to come through here and bury a new power cable 4' deep..........oh, boy............but now they are talking about maybe boring under the garden......I hope so!
SO, I'd better post some flowers for Bloomin' Tuesday, before the big equipment makes them a thing of the past!
Annual salvia 'Victoria'
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' (What would we do without this plant??)
Oh dear, I hear the excavator engine starting up, they are getting closer:
This is the smallest of the sweet potato vines, which should be safe from excavating due to the rocks, ha!
Yellow Dahlberg daisies and purple 'Imagination' verbena.......I wonder if the verbena would rebloom if I sheared them down?
I think I will try deadheading them and see what happens.
Coneflowers in the path of the excavator...........
Oh, well, I can at least move my potted plants without a problem!
Ok, there are now four guys milling around in my driveway, I guess I really have to go. Let's hope we have a 'Boring Day' or I will be digging plants out like a madwoman!!
While I'm defending my flower garden, zip on over to Bloomin' Tuesday and see what's blooming for everybody else!