Saturday, May 29, 2010

Progress, not perfection

Today was a fairly productive one.  Carl and I went to Dad's grave with Mom this morning and weeded and added some flowers.  When we were done, it looked very nice and I think she was pleased.  Joel was kayaking and Dave was out, too. 

After dinner, Carl propped up the Weeping Norway spruce with a new stick for the leader.
 It's amazing how much this tree has grown in the last few years.  When we bought it from the 'Big Box Store' it was in a gallon pot and was less than a foot tall. 

The waterlilies are really blooming right now.

It was very warm this afternoon, so we decided to work on mulching instead of weeding.  I am moving forward with the hay/mulch thing, let's hope it works.  Ann came over after work and helped us with mulching and raking up white pine needles. 

 I am so very tired tonight, too many hard days of work and short nights.  We hauled several loads of white pine needles and I hauled several loads of hay mulch to the front beds until it grew dark.  Tomorrow is another day.........Karen

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