We finally got back to work around here. I don't remember a year when we have done so much traveling around to visit other gardens as we have this year, and I have to say, it was fun! However, when the gardener's away, the weeds will play so it's high time to get out the kneepads and the trowel and get to work.
Joel was home on Sunday for awhile, so I asked him to take some pictures of the yard for me. I like to have guest photographers because it's always interesting to see what catches their eye. So, with no further ado, here's Joel's take on the garden:
Coleus (not sure of the name, but it's a nice one, with a sort of draping growth habit) |
Waterlilies are still going strong. |
It was very humid on Sunday with hazy conditions |
Portulaca in planter |
Double Pink Profusion Zinnas and Inca Marigolds |
'Annabelle' hydrangea and old well pump. |
'Chocolate' eupatorium, yellow barberry and 'Gold Drop' hostas on the Quarry staircase |
Heirloom daylily 'Kwanso'? |
The lilies are really going strong this week |
'Robina' |
What lily is this? How often I take the lowly hosta blooms for granted. They are beautiful in their own right. |
I suppose since they bloom in such abundance and because deadheading them is such a chore, I just don't appreciate them as I should. |
The bees and hummingbirds appreciate them, though. |
After I looked at this picture, I was overwhelmed by how many hosta flowers I have to deadhead, lol. And this is only a portion of the crop.
I had moved so many daylilies this spring from the Formal Garden to parts unknown so it's nice to see many of them popping up in their new homes. I think this one is 'El Desperado'.
Not sure of the name, so 'Pretty' will have to do. |
Nasturtiums |
OT Lilies |
Standing in this part of the garden right now is glorious....how I wish Lily Season lasted longer.
Good ol' Aermotor and Rudbeckia galore |
The EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) is on this week in Oshkosh...we see lots of planes lately. Our own private airshow! |
More rudbeckia. All of these have self-seeded this year. (And no, I'm not complaining.) Powdery mildew can be a problem with them, though, but thankfully, there are many new seedlings coming up at the same time some need to be pulled out, so they put on a long-lasting show.
Ernie Urn made a good recovery from the storm last week, his 'hair' is almost completely grown back, lol.
New to me this year is this rudbeckia 'Denver Daisy'. Love the dark black centers.
And last, but not least, is this double-petaled lily, the last of the buds to bloom at the top of the plant.
My thanks to Joel for being our guest photographer while I was out pulling weeds.
Up next will be Ann and then Dave's photo shoots.
Now where was I in this weed patch?
Hi Karen,
You have some gorgeous flowers in bloom right now!
I love the Annabelles around the rusty water pump and the Portulaca planter is just beautiful.
Oh, and the hosta bed—Wow, love it!
I wondered if that daylily was 'El Desperado'. I have that one and am always eager to see it bloom each year. Mine just started a few days ago. It’s not very big (even though I’ve had it for years).
I do like that big chocolate face on Denver Daisy. No black-eyed Susans blooming here yet, but it should be soon.
You say you have not been doing much work in the garden???? I would never know that by looking at it. Everything looks great.
Oh, some stunningly beautiful flowers caught Joel's eye! Thank him for us. I'm glad you enjoyed your break from the work. You probably know I've been enjoying lots of garden tours this year. Time for me to get back on my knees too.
I love the pic of the Hosta flower with that eager little bee flying toward it! Also the cherub in the sea of Rudbeckia. Isn't he a clever lad, your Joel?
Love the sea of rudbeckias, I definitely need to get some for portions of my garden, especially if they are prone to reseeding, I can use all the help I can get. And the portulaca in the planter are fantastic, very well done.
Oh my Goodness, it all looks so stunning, you'd never know it had had any bad weather, what a gloriously beautiful garden. Was lovely to have you pop over and visit my blog, thanks for commenting.
Oh my goodness, I don't know what I like the most!! Coleus, waterlily's - both things I don't have! Love'em!
I have Profusion Zinnia's too and they are quickly becoming my favorite annual next to yellow 'Little Hero' marigolds. Your Portulacca is stunning ...why does mine never look that good? LOL I hear you about the hosta blooms...deadheading them is such a chore! Daylily stalks too!
Love, love, LOVE that pink double petaled Lily! Is it fragrant?
The garden looks wonderful! My lilies have succumbed to the heat and I know what you mean when you say you wish they would last longer. I don't know how you keep up with the watering on such a large property.
What an eye Joel has so many lovely shots my fav the bee how he ever got that I will never know ... Your portulaca is amazing. Then the lilies. I could go on and on about the beauty in your garden I don't see a single weed either. Take care .
He took some great photos....well crap, you have no choice but to capture amazing sights through the lense in your gardens! Stunning...!
Oh, it's so fun to look at your blooms! We got back from 10 days out of town to a really sad, sad garden. I could cry. We are now at 26 consecutive days of over 100 degrees. We are only 3 days away from the #2 spot in the record books, and from the looks of the forecast, we will get there. Most everything is still alive, but has that grayish I'm-dying-of-thirst look. Joel's a great photographer!
What a neat idea. And he did a wonderful job. I really like the photo of the Rudbeckias and the Windmill. Neat angle.
It's all so beautiful. I love to look at other gardens, but I would NEVER leave home if mine looked like yours!
Joel has some lovely angels on the garden. The colors in your gardens are quite amazing. Right down the street from Toni-Signature Gardens. I have not left yet and my garden looks really really sad. Put potted plants into a couple of kiddy pools as I get ready for the trip. Now I am wondering if they will be overflowing with rain water from Don while we are gone. Famine or feast.
Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your comments about my paintings.
I still can't get over your fabulous gardens and stunning photos of your exquisite flowers. How in the world do you do it? Are you on the Garden Tour circuit in your area?
I work so hard in my garden thinking one day it will look like yours.. but it going into my 8th year here in hot sticky, swampy Florida and I think this year I'll just give up!
I bought tropicals that take the heat but do not have such glorious flowers as yours....so, I'll just come into your yard and call them my own... Simply Beautiful Karen!
Have a great weekend!
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